Tag Archives: employer_engagement

Engaging Employers

Yesterday’s Experience Works Fair held in the Student Union here at the University, provided an ideal opportunity to speak to employers about the project and ask for some input. I must admit I was pleasantly surprised (perhaps I shouldn’t have been) at people’s reaction to the project. I spoke to representatives from BT, Enterprise Rent-a-Car, JET, Network Rail, OSTC, Tata Steel, UNA Exchange and the Welsh Government. They were all really positive about the idea of students developing an online portfolio that they might use a) to record and reflect on the skills and knowledge they build up as they go through their degrees and b) generally willing to give of their time to provide advice as to how a student might present that information in an online environment.

Next step – to follow up the contacts I made and hopefully arrange for them to maybe link up with some students and/or provide feedback on the e-portfolio to date.

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